Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wolf Lair Report


Well today marks the anniversary,it was a year ago today, my butt got retransplanted back here to Tweaker Flatts.

Over the year I have seen near hits, mostly miss’ and major disappointments. All to save a bunch of money which it has. Trouble is income is right where what I was missing this time last year, and the radio station is still on hold, the MC bar has been permanently relocated to American Falls, but on the bars, the place out on Blue Lakes (formerly the Oasis) will become The Sheep’s Pen, once that is up and running in the black instead of the red as it will for at least 6 months, all bars do, but if after a year the Sheep’s Pen>ANEWSHEEPSPENHEADER_thumbis up and running at mach speed, then an all out NASCAR themed bar is on the boards. But Tweaker Flatts is just not grown up enough and too conservative for an all out MC bar so the Reaper moves to American Falls.

First I want to say I’m thrilled as I could be over Ashley. She came over, wasn’t timid about coming into the Wolf’s Lair, hasn’t gave me one reason to be ashamed or insulted by someone thinking I was too poor to feed myself and take me to McDonalds, because she could not get past sitting in the Wolf’s Lair with this old Wolf. In fact the only two things Ashley didn’t do was clean the microwave, and did not completely rinse the tub of the Clorox, which burned my skin a bit, but outside of that, her and her guy, are now friends. See Joni, I do not mind having spouses show up for interviews. I get along with everyone, in fact having a bit more testosterone in the Lair with all the estrogen, is a relief. Not feeling like a 3 year old with the Relief Society, baby sitting me. Damn it I’m the boss, that’s just the way it is.

But now I have a resident assistant XO. which helps, now just getting Mandy and Bernadette on board would be a plus, but if not, I’m sure in time someone, maybe not so looking so angelic, but others will get on board.

To be fair to others, no Ashley does not have the eye candy to give me a stiffy when they walk in. Face it, while okay looking, Ashley just does not have that package, but she does have brains and patience and a go get it done, attitude, and right now that’s what I need. There’s no thought, of what would it be like if she came in , pushed me back on my bed and mount me like a Harley, like a few did, but Ash, does have the personality that makes having her on staff , much easier to tolerate.

Okay then, getting back on course. Ash, like all others and it would be good to do this with everyone on board or at least at the Lair at the same time, but Ash will have to go through , not Knyte Skool 101, but Wolf Skool 101a. To learn of the club they will work for. And why we do what we do , the way we do it. Just hope Ash, remembers to beg , barrow or snitch an old fashion VCR/VHS somewhere.

So Friday is going to a big day. The bottom line is this; whether Joni, or anyone else wanted the Knytes to fail or our projects, in part they won, but the AyreWolvez are taking over where the Knytes left off, and we do it not just with attitude but altitude.

I’m still waiting for Ash, or a new applicant, to bring in their smelly nellies , for the bar décor, but overall can’t complain.

Okay then. Watched several Halloween related shows over the last weeks and I must say I’m really disappointed. Hollywood must be in a jamb in brain drain. First this new season of American Horror Story, Coven, I was bored two minutes into it. Although it had been promoted heavy and its attributes heralded, the fact is there is no audience holding power. Then of course with the word Wolf in it, watched the new Disney series, WolfBlood. The series is set in England I think, and its too cliché , it needs some serious horsepower. More grit and well Wolf’s out more. But considering its Disney, they can’t go over the PG-13 line too much if at all, but the series , my Baby Sitter is A vampire has more staying power.

Talking about cable. Cable-One is still having its feud with Turner Broadcasting. Its nearly as frustrating as the Government Shutdown. Except I see Turner and Cable-One going to court over it. The major basic cable channels are diminishing every month. Granted there are networks that could be plugged in there. How about pulling the Military Channel, down from the upper tier, and plugging it in on our channel 53, RFDTV on channel 24 where Headline News is at, FamilyNet on Channel 23 where CNN was, and maybe RTV on where TNT used to be? No, all you see is the excuse page. This is the infection of Yankee stupid, a dizzeeze that we in both the Knytes and AyreWolvez are working to cure, get rid of Yankee Stupid, replaced by Confederate intelligence.

Any flyte, taking the overnyte off, to do some engineering on studio, but will be on air overnyte Friday into Saturday.

Until then keep it Wings Level

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
Women like silent men. They think they're listening.
--Marcel Archard
Psalm 62:1“[Psalm 62] For the director of music. For Jeduthun. A psalm of David. Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.”

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