Monday, October 7, 2013

Does anyone really monitor Facebook for tech goof ups?

WOLF WITH A STORYaw phootenotes

It would seem, that as open as the web has been over the years, it would seem , more and more the things, the alpha blockers that many Internet content providers like Yahoo, Google and worst of all Palo Alto California’s Facebook, has these even worse. The problem is when they block certain things it fouls up other things. You do not get the full impact of your REAL Face book Friends , or see your postings.

Many think, that because its your life in public, and the page is yours, is a misnomer. The reality is, Facebook, owns the site, Facebook controls the content, and any of your friends that slightly knee jerk on something, and its you that gets penalized. My response to this is simply the same I say on my radio shows. If you don’t like our wyld side of radio, use a knob and either turn it off or, switch. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and saying YOU GOTTA READ THIS. Shit just turn it off.

Okay then, seems we’ll end up keeping the shop for the short haul there on Shoshone, but here’s the greatest of it all. The shop goes for $950.00 a month, $50.00 shy of a $1,000.00 , while the 40X40 Hangar I am finalizing for us beginning December 1st, goes for $250.00 a month. That’s a bit more palatable. That near $700.00 puts a bunch more green in my jeans and allows us to get to building experimental aircraft, including mini Helicopters. Build em, sell em.

Now then on the new hires here. Only one our housekeeper for the Wolf’s Lair stays , and maybe Mandy, if she gets after it. Everybody else is just SOL. You hold the hand up , We give theAYREFINGER SALUTETo you. Those who know the chain of command and order of things of the Knytes as well as us here in the AyreWolvez, knows who really is in charge here. But Kevin ain’t going to put up with bigoted and idiotic prehistoric arrogant and ignorant stupid attitudes. Now its no secret that many of you, young prick teasers, will dress in your skimpiest jeans or skirts, dress to kill, and go out to a bar to snag a guy, but try to get you to put that package on video, for the benefit of every returning, and disabled military veteran coming home from many areas.

To finalize this so I can go watch Shield, all too many wanted us to snuff out the clubs work here. The AyreWolvez, mission is to serve those who have served and continue to do so. The radio station, the upcoming TV network, the three movies, and of course the AyreWolvez AyreShow, in 2015, is just the top of the hill.

But since my brain is wanting to drain for awhile,

Does anyone monitor Facebook, and why can’t Facebook have a call in help desk, at Facebook HQ?

More l8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
Virtue has never been as respectable as money.
--Mark Twain, 19th-century American humorist, author and journalist
Psalm 63:1“[Psalm 63] A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah. You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.”

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