If those supporting women’s Breast Cancer health wanted pink, they should look at the pinkurple elephant in the room. That Elephant is more like a stallion called Traveler. Now for you Yankees, Traveler was the name of Robert E Lee’s horse.
The nation at the last second, averted a financial meltdown. The debt ceiling was raised allowing the Government to barrow money to cover its debts. Don’t ya’ll wish all of us could do that? Run out of money, call the bank and they give you a higher amount or credit limit so you can pay your bills. Then we got the green light to reopen the vault so Government dependent companies like ours can go back to work. But for how long? Sure we have cash in the stash until mid January and everything gets paid until February, but what about after that? Are we going to have a stare down between Obama and that Boehner guy again? Damn it, the damn, immature little rodent from Ohio, should be tarred and feathered. If he hadn’t been in there stirring the pot, and I mean mixing POT, the Government would have stayed open, companies operate and our bills paid. As it is our company is behind in little bills and a medium sized one in cable a telecomm. But did we need to be? Our FCC renewal app, was delayed, meaning mid November, meaning we can’t air OTA until mid December. And we’re supposed to say ah , just the Government.
When is our nation going to look past their long beaked noses, and see there is a third political party out there, called The Confederate National Party? When are those that claim so often to being a supporter of southern culture, restoration and all going to start , albeit even $10.00 bucks, but putting some money behind Ray McBerry’s gig, Dixie Broadcasting(www.dixiebroadcasting.com) as well as in the cash box of us here at HazzardAyre. Why? The election season is about to start. How about building up some steam, and educating those not in the know, to learn of our southern movement. More over that the spirit of Dixie is no longer just of southern states, but that what us of southern ancestry have known for decades, that what was right for the south in the 1860’s is right for all of America now. Once we get these Yankees educated, by placing ads on major TV news networks, like CNBC, MSNBC, and FoX News, then those hosts will look at us closer, then lets run a candidate for President, on the CNP party ticket. Lets build up some momentum. Face it the two party system began failing in the late 1960’s if it was ever right. But since then its back room deals, money being transferred to political leaders for votes and SIG’s (Special Interest Groups) and its been chewing away, at the walls of our liberties, and Freedoms. Like a mouse chewing through sheet rock. Now that mouse is a fat rat, and that fat rodent is chewing on us. Face it John Wilkes Booth had the right idea, he was condemned, this time we have another skunk in there from Ohio, someone shoot that bastard, will ya?
Simply put; This is Your brain this is your brain on drugs
, any questions?
L8R Aviators and Rebels:
Quote of the Day:
If it doesn't matter who wins, then how come they keep score?
--Vincent Lombardi
Psalm 25:14-15“The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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