So in conclusion speaking of ladies, a thing our Nurse GoodBody said, that I always have her. Yes fine, but the fact is the last time that I was even in the ball park of being kozy was when she and I did the toew stuff up at the Gooding studio. Emme and I were near to it, but the rest of the honey crew walked in on us. Shy of that, this body of mine as bad as it is has only seen the vision of a lady from the inside of Donna’s Ranch, and that was 3 years ago.
Oh sure, Ricky found someone for me not too long ago, both Charlie and Ricky , saying pussy is pussy and all, but it ain’t.
Sure I have God, he holds my hand everyday, and while moving to Layton does not say I’m going to get connected to someone, but the possibilities are better. Oh sure there are the superficial ladies , looking for superficial men. Me , I’ll be okay with getting my equipment back into the race so to speak, but I’d like to find someone, serious so when I die , there’s someone there to at least close my eyes, and call the morgue.
Right now, only Nurse GoodBody, is the only person in the valley that knows to call my cousin Claude in Grace, or one of Bud’s daughters if I were to be found dead. My current PSR, doesn’t, Charlie doesn’t, Ricky doesn’t, and by the time she knew of my demise, my body would be really decayed. Do you realize, that outside of two club members, no body else except Nurse GoodBody has called, came by, or looked in to see if I’m alive or dead. Great friends the local church here is ain’t it. The River Fellowship, has yet to send someone out. Any of the many LDS wards haven’t sent a Elders Quorum member over.
It’s like the seed Ricky planted a few weeks ago, when we trucked through Utah to Vernal. He said that I should move to Utah where I have family. He went on to say, “ that outside the club, there is no one other than he, that cared if I died, or got hurt, in Twin Falls” . My fault? Perhaps trying to correct behaviors of an area that is too proud to think its hurting. My fault for trying to help a valley, that thought it was done with me years ago. Thing is reflecting on things don’t help none. Looking in the mirror and saying is there a way to fix this? The only possible way I can think of, is that the only way I could stay here is if by some miracle, some sweet gal got into my life, moved in and helped me turn things around, along with about $2,000.00 . Since I don’t see that, my option is only one, move to Layton, find shop space, drive Lexi and Wolf Pup, down to that area, and prepare to go into battle on the far east end of Utah, or southwest Wyoming.
So that’s that on that.
Did find a few leads on 5 222A’s will look into that later in the day.
Oh and to Nurse GoodBody, I still remember this>
and especially this one>
Ah the sweet scents of the good old days. But Ellie May, is and will remain the only good thing or person, that has occurred since I moved here in 2006.Sure I got out in 2007 , moved to Goon’s Ferry, because of a job con, landlord goes bankrupt, I move to Gooding. Most of ya’ll know the rest. Sure I got to within sniffing range of a few, but that sweet surrender late at night, the waking up to someone beside me, more over having someone busting butt with me as my own Mom & Dad did, building the empire that a insurance company, and truck stop chain stole from me. Sure maybe before I die I’ll get something back, but here’s a quirk, even if I did get some money, since Bud died, nobody knows who or where to get in touch with me to tell me. NOBODY. There could be $100, million in a bank account in Utah with my name on it, but none of Bud’s daughters cept for one knows how to get in touch. And then some folks wonder why I’m loosing my brain.
If only I could find some one like Our Nurse GoodBody, for me to have and to hold until death , but alas she due to whatever reason, more likely financial stability, got hitched to another while I was rotting in Burley. Next week I get this poking around in Layton going, so I can be moved shortly after the holidays, if not before.
Wings Level, L8R Aviators,
Quote of the Day:
Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
--General Omar Nelson Bradley
1 Peter 1:24-25“For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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