Overnight on FXX the new channel sibling of FX, I saw the film about the beginnings of Facebook , Mark Zuckerburg and all of that. And I got to wondering in todays world and everybody except maybe myself and members of the Knytes as hungry as sharks in a pool full of guppies, could Facebook be built today? At least the way Mark built it? Considering Mark built Facebook with three friends in a dorm on a college campus. Then consider he got a duplex house on the ancient hills of Palo Alto California, and recruited, and dig this; unpaid college volunteers of all genders to come over, party, write computer code and all the rest. Could that spirit be captured today? Consider the build of HazzardAyre and its network. While we have what? Three stations, still by no means are we complete yet. The goal is to establish a sister or brother similar to Dixie Broadcasting . Com, (www.dixiebroadcasting.com) spice it up a bit, and have not only a radio , but online TV station dedicated to the southern movement, likewise a bigger more expansive web site for the same. An online social network for and of us gearheads, southern rebels and southern kountry rural rednecks. More over aviators from Navy and the Marines. Sure HazzardNet.com is taken, but surly something Hazzard-ish could be thought of, but I’m getting again off track. Or maybe just a slight bit. but here’s the thing, the clubs blog, www.hazzardayre.blogspot.com as well as www.wyldayre.blogspot.com are sitting out there needing constant updates, and reports. As it is there are 4 people from Utah, Wyoming and Idaho here doing that. Thing is even so, there are very few if any, at least patched members of either the Knytes or the AyreWolvez that take or get one single cent for what we do in service of the club. In fact its only been this year I have gotten $10.00 out of every $100.00 ad money for HazzardAyre, and that’s really to help with the gas and some client meets. But aside from that just like those that built Facebook including Mark himself, his people didn’t immediately go for the money, they saw a bigger picture. As such look at Facebook now. Could that be done with HazzardAyre today? I think so. But sadly everyone wants and needs a paycheck. I can see fronting some cash out of the stash for gas, some viddles etc , but the sadly can’t just work for the bigger prizes out there. A ultimate Hazzard style web site, combined with the ultimate military aviation web site, where bikers, pilots, and Dukes fans can get together and share the joys and pains of life. Learn something and chat and socialize without the restraints that both Facebook, Google and even Yahoo is starting to do.
To be able to post photos, and do just about if not more than you can do on Facebook or Yahoo, with one exception, on HazzardAyre, you can tune into HazzardAyre both radio and TV , and watch while you chat, or listen while you write emails. Where you can listen to the leaders in talks and lectures on the southern movement. Where ya’ll can share the newest southern recipies, cookin and so on.
But its all, lets bust the balls of the Knytes, lets demand money from the club, instead of helping the Knytes and the AyreWolvez to build a super site that is as grand as Facebook.
Maybe its because Mark didn’t look like Shrek, when they met him as so many think I do, but the thing is for some odd reason, all too many fear entering the Wolf’s Lair here. Did something happen in this spot before I moved in it that makes many pee their shorts when they come over? Granted two members , Rick and Allan have had their experiences with the ladies, but never here at the Lair. When most stay over here trying to sleep on that old bamboo couch of mine,(hey I’m looking for something better , just ain’t found anything that’d fit) but no gal has ever been abused or their virtue what few have that left has ever been violated here. Sure there is the search for a grander spot for the studio, finding one, is one thing, getting the club to pay for it, along with myself, its always a 40/60 deal club 60%, of the facility like the shop, and hangar, 40% me. But understand while I make good money and its stable, at least for now, still wondering about next month since many military and SSA payments might be suspended, due to the Government shutdown and all hell I might even loose my cable next month due to that, don’t think so but ya’ll never know. But paying out more money for another place, be it a bar or the office/studio, without having anything going in to show the club officers, that progress is being made on both the radio/tv network, or even finding even one gal to sit in with me doing radio overnight. The club officers ask the simple question, Why?
The best way to get Becky our treasurer to open the money box, is to go to club officers, even the regional charter President and say okay we have models for the web site, gals for the pin up project come spring, at least 4 gals that have been trained to go on air on the radio station, likewise the TV network. And most importantly go in with even break even or at least the first months rent on something, from area sponsors and/or advertisers, many of which of our current sponsors have lost confidence in the club’s media offerings. It’s one thing to pay wages for housecleaning, and even help with fuel and such, like with Ashley, but still , if all want to ride on the rear seat, and help build this with the Knytes, more over retain and build this sub charter into a full charter, you can’t be looking at how much money your making, you have to be looking at the long range picture and say I’m getting into something that could be bigger than anything currently in all capacities in Idaho or the region.
As for myself, I can’t do it as long or as much as I used to. Between toewing, being at the shop, the hangar building aircraft and prepping for spring to fly again much more on that in another entry, but there, scouting locations, interviewing female talent. And while we are here on that. The reason, we don’t take on more guys, for things is simple. With an area membership of 50 USDA husky male corpuscles , here in this part of Idaho, guys are not difficult to recruit for projects. The male part is covered my members that are patched. So guys are not required, but the female side well that’s a bit more difficult to recruit. After all there are many stuck up prudish women around here that would never be caught or seen with a biker, trucker, gearhead or pilot.
But I’m getting off point. The question I have is simple, Could a Hazzard style super social site be built that could rival Facebook? Even so would anyone be willing to put in the time? Write the computer code, and all on a volunteer basis as Mark’s friends did, or is everyone so hungry, that its all about the money?
Stay tuned.
L8R Aviators,
Quote of the Day:
An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.
--G.K. Chesterton
Jeremiah 29:11“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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