Saturday, October 19, 2013

My how the economy and powers change things


As I was looking over some news to relate to you, found on the Times News’ masthead that the grand Mini Cassia Voice is now part of the Goliath of the Times News. They sold out. I thought that publication of that area, although I had my share of fights with them, still had staying power. I don’t know all the facts, perhaps it had to do with declining ad sales, Newspapers have had a bad time of it, competing with electronic media, beit the Internet, TV etc, but I thought that the Mini Cassia Voice was there to challenge the Times News, maybe bring a fresh perspective to the events of the area. But I guess not.

One of the great things that I love about being part of, all things of Confederate Steele Media, parent of HazzardAyre Radio, WyldAyre Radio, HazzardAyre TV, and the Hazzard County Gazzette is that since the first ounce of juice was poured to those candles on Bell Rapids on Bell Rapids that WE OWN, to the first word I ever wrote for the Hazzard County Gazzette when that started in 1975 and then was upgraded when the; AyreWolvez/ Knytes-of-Anarchy, bought Monkey Bizzness out of Gooding in 1997, is that we have never been willing nor bent to being bought. Oh we have thought about many times due to some real head in the sand folks in these parts, staffing problems and the like, but we have never surrendered to the threat of or the offer of being bought. Not Even once.

Like I said, guess the poor economy and the powers that be swallowed up the Mini Cassia Voice, but never will that happen to us here at HazzardAyre.

I have said it before, and I’ll say it again, aren’t you glad you tune into and read; HazzardAyre?

Finally got the Subaru from Charlie. Its used and needs some tlc  yet, but its mine, and I’m still trying to come up with a concept for it. After all, ever know a ride of ye ole Wolf that hasn’t been modified or tricked out.

Finally, tried to get a handle on a story from KTVB news about the idea of using drones, to search for that missing woman near Craters of the Moon just outside of Arco. First nobody has called us here at AyreWolf Aviation on the request of service here. But I ask KTVB and even Yahoo news why point me to a story that will not load up on my computer. Damn it fix it.

Talking of computer fixes, although I have been trying to find the bug, seems that many of my Internet loads are loading with some weird ads.

Will figure it out and report the results Sunday.

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
Smooth seas do not make for a skillful sailor.
--African Proverb
Psalm 37:4“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

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