In any other place finding gals to do poster girl things or pin up photography would be as easy as a phone call to an agency. One call that’s all, done in the can as its said, done. No long winded ads on CraigsList, no long term interviews at the Lair, no meals, no brews , just clothes fittings, schedule up the shoot, Donny or Steve rolls up from California , boom its done. But this is the Tragic Valley no resource so one has to go hunting. What you get is a bunch of stuck ups, or near drug mothers (Ashley excluded) that show up, promise they’ll show up, yet the photo crew gets nothing done except, us having a few beers. Here’s it near snow, nothing shot. Project 1 , shelved again. So we go looking for on air radio talent, male/female in studio. Guys no problem, but not female. Guys come from the club, gals not so many or few. They say they know broadcasting. But hey they can’t run the board or read copy, no training, and worst of all will not even try to learn. So the club thinks , hey lets run up an ad or two for bar people, I know this will sound stupid, I said so, but I’m only the XO, not the General. So we run an ad for bar managers and such thinking maybe a pin up model or radio talent might be obtained while we do the remodel. Might as well have the bar help on air, and on the pin up calendar, so people coming into the bar say I’ve seen you before. The bar sells the calendar and for each $20.00 calendar, the bar help keeps $5.00 . Don’t sound like much but it ads up.
Then one of my new hires said today, radio don’t make money. Really? advertising makes big money. Many of these gals, say they aren’t seeing immediate return for working for the club. Well, let’s see, the club sell ads on the radio network, that goes coast to coast with near unlimited airings per advertiser, for a flat once a month, for $100.00 . Out of which the gal preselling the ads, gets $20.00 of that $100.00 . If she sells 10 people, those ads, at $100.00 she makes $250.00 the more ads she sells, the more money she makes. The club keeps $20.00 , the station itself takes in $50.00 out of the $100.00 for operations, rent etc, and good old me gets $10.00 . But does any of these gals think about that? If one goes to Google and searches especially Wikipedia and searches for HazzardAyre Radio, you see us, and about three pages. Kinda makes that real, now don’t it. HazzardAyre Radio is one of the hottest radio properties in America and growing faster than Boss Hogg eating raw liver, WyldAyre Radio for us who fly is gaining altitude as well.
And yet for all our success, all I get is grief.
It’s like me and my counselor discussed today, its like if you want to go pro NASCAR you go to the deep south , if you want to sing in the majors with kountry music you go to Nashville, if you want to do modeling or live acting you go to New York, and if you want to be in movies you go to Hollywood, or even yes I hate to say it again, but Utah. Funny, Idaho has no film festival, but Park City Utah does. Yet here is Idaho, and maybe it is trying to stuff a square log into a round hole here, but we’re trying to get Idaho known for something other than taters, milk, cheese, and hay.
Like I said Doing all the right things in the wrong place.
See you in the early morning on WyldAyre.
L8R Aviators,
Quote of the Day:
Virtue has never been as respectable as money.
--Mark Twain, 19th-century American humorist, author and journalist
Proverbs 1:8-9“[Prologue: Exhortations to Embrace Wisdom][Warning Against the Invitation of Sinful Men] Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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