Saturday, October 12, 2013

Selecting model talent for a pin up girl


There are so many variables in selecting the best talent for pin up models, or for that matter TV ads.

Now I have been told by one of my recent new hires that is most likely not needed right now. But for the same reason neither , although she said she did, or the Oriental guy that we’re getting the Maybe baby bar from, had no idea of who or what the club is, or what we are all about. So what do you do? Go TV, both local, regional and national. You pour as much syrup over those pancakes as possible.

Now when it comes to TV ads, here there are several factors to take into consideration, but the most important is to not surrender integrity, continuity, or content. The other thing is, remember this is LDS Idaho, too over the top and the stations here will refuse to air it. After all they do not want to upset their high paying Mormon advertisers, so giving air time to a renegade Confederate hearted MC, is going to be scrubbed if not done properly and carefully.

Now the priority list goes, Ads for education of who and what the club is, separating us from the TV show and us in the real world. The next on the priority list is The radio network, getting those that need and should tune in to us to do so, where to find us on line and so on. Followed by of course a mixture of ads for Dixie Toewing(yes making sure the toew kiss;alasweet toews is included)followed by the MC shop, followed by the bar, and rounding it out ;The AyreWolvez and of course AyreWolf Aviation Restoration and repair.

Now finding simple pin ups is moderately easy, just about any one with a hot body that can take direction can do that. But what I want is more in the area of actors, actress’s that can model, not models who try to act. That is where it gets difficult. Especially if there’s any kind of interaction, like of course the toew kiss, like you see our Nurse GoodBody >alasweet toewsdoing here. Must be one of those things that one has to have a vagina to understand. For some reason, if you mention anything along the line of toew kissing or the like, your labeled as very nasty, or at least some sort of safety threat. I don’t understand it, heck I’m taking the worst of it having to smooch stinky feet but hey I’m a guy.

Then getting talent that can slate and read lines. For those not in the know, slating means being able to introduce yourself and what your all about, along with describing what your going to present. I don’t know how many auditions I have been on, where the talent just sits there like a deer in front of headlights, at their first interview. I want someone that can come in, tell me about them, and act out a scene whether it’s the ad or something related.

Some have said, my I’d like to have that job to just sit there and look at babes all day. Trust me it gets old fast. First your looking for just that right look, attitude, ability, and just plain some sort of moxy that says this girl gets the idea. Next when you have an open call audition having to tell 20 gals they do not measure up, don’t have the moxy, can’t slate, can’t even read lines, and are too timid, or that chicken out long before they get to the audition spot, You’ve not only wasted your time, but you have hurt their feelings. Which means any idea of a date after just went out the door.

On that, you want to be friendly and all, but getting involved personally with your ad talent , means your going to loose in many ways, from being from professional, to objectivity.

The hardest part, finding talent where no agencies exist and trying to overcome the stereotype, and pre conceived ideas of an ad on CraigsList.

That in my next entry. The movie Runaway is on then the game, BYU and Georgia Tech, and if you think I’m rooting for BYU your wrong.

Now if we can just get Ashley to find model talent for an open talent call and arrange a pageant of sorts at the mall, we got it made.

More on that Monday, have a great weekend, taking two days off , but will see you on the radio, Sunday night into Monday morning.

L8R Ya’ll

a station moment  SIG OUT

Quote of the Day:
You cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.
--Liz Smith
Proverbs 1:8-9“[Prologue: Exhortations to Embrace Wisdom][Warning Against the Invitation of Sinful Men] Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.”

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