Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Don’t shoot the band I only sing the song


Well tonight’s episode of SOA was heavy duty. Its getting down to some of the final wires of this season, and series ending next year. The story lines are packed.

As with anything that our real club follows I’ll be sad to see the series go, but its now ran out of most of the original cast, some are returning. The Mexican brothel owner’s sister is an example. That queer has appeared in both SOA, the Shield and on Justified. While I’d like to see the show last at least 4 or 5 more seasons and really get into the two wheeled lifestyle and all, Kurt is not about to write that, and he seldom takes creative input, so it is what it is.

I went to the meeting with Alliance, this is more personal, so that’s why I bring it up here, more on the structure of some things in a few, but met with Shelby and my PSR at Alliance. Seems as though our little dear Nurse GoodBody is not going to be able to be my PSR, something about her not having a Degree. Thing is neither does this Mark guy that’s currently my PSR. Bottom line, think that Alliance is not looking to put me and Ellie May together for 4 hours a week two days of the week, so I’m looking to get out of Alliance and getting a real PHD, head shrink, that takes Medicaid, that’ll sign off on my authorization letter to allow me to handle my own money and all. Once that happens, rides in shape I’m outta here.

Missed the meetings on the office and bar the other day. After going through a bunch of crap with my Computer night before, I was just too pooped to pop, so slept in. Will reschedule and go from there.

Getting ready to transplant the MC shop, but need to secure the AyreShack first. So, that comes in on December 1st.

On our publications, while many of you love my very opinionated scribblings in HazzardAyre and WyldAyre. The reason I put this blog site report on, was so I could take you through things through my opinion and the way I see it. Pres. Kevin said that if its Knytes news or news(real news) of Hazzard, it goes in HazzardAyre. If its news of the Wolvez , it goes in WyldAyre, everything else will be here.

Like I said before in many entries, Kevin is the main guy now, what he says goes. He’s not going to mess with all this crap. He told me if that gal from Jerome gets anything it wont happen until mid month next month, both because with the two week shutdown of the Government we didn’t get our operation money from DOD, until late and there are more important bills and obligations that needed to be paid. So she’ll just have to wait. There isn’t much the club or I can do about it.

These next two months are going to be very tight money wise for the club. There is still some debate on the shop on Shoshone. We want it, but the $850.00 a month price tag is steep, and with some of the reputation problems that’s occurred here lately, it’s a thing the club needs to look at more carefully. Kevin is not big on keeping it, but he also knows it’s a center of club activities. So we see. There’s nothing that says we can’t meet in the new office or out at the AyreShack.

As far as the bar which seems as the core of a bunch of contention right now is still a good thing to get into. That’s why we are retaining as much cash as we can right now to pay for not only the lease and all, but the entire remodel, licenses and so on. That looks to swing open in the spring, just in time for riding season. The source of the bars funding is still the radio station/network, with that ongoing drag line, or what seems like the steepest grade I’ve ever climbed, means that still the radio thing is possible. The reason I have to pony up with half of that is that is the one thing under my command that has stubbed its foot the most. Me even though perceptions were wrong, but due to that perception getting help inside the house to even train, much less set loose on air has been like trying to put sox on a rooster. Even though in Gooding, although there I should have put my foot down and just said to all that applied, hey you want to work here, then work here. That of course most wanted all to be in Twin, here, which I have yet to see why. There ain’t no big Magic in Tweaker Flatts. Even before that there were the troubles in Wyoming on the original studio, and having too many things integrated into SAMCRO MC and my own family’ foundation that millions of dollars were lost due to my lack of acumen. But I’ve learned more and thus, now that we have narrowed down four locations for the station/studio/office means the club spends $250.00 on the AyreShack(as it will be called) I spend $200.00 on the office/studio/station. In time the club will take on the entire load. The fact that now that I have a car payment all be it for only 6 months, but still it means giving up some luxuries. But there are things like our own T-1 line that will go in just after the 1st of the month in the new studio, as for me I’ll still be limping along with SpeedConnect. Come April, after the car is paid, I’ll be headed to Utah anyway so it’s a moot point, but still I can’t see keeping Cable-One with most of the channels gone, higher costs, and where is that reduction in my bill this month? I didn’t see it. See Cable-One was to credit everyone and reduce their bill for not having the guts to stand up to Turner broadcasting, that owns CNN, HeadLine News, TBS,TNT, TrueTV etc. So why pay the extra money? For the low price of a fixed $53.00 a month I get phone, and Internet, at least at the Lair. The T-1 will be at the office.

Last here, so many of you as members and our associate members have been mad at me about policy changes and all, but remember I was very easy going. I was willing to bend a few rules, etc, but between the elections this past month, as well as the ruckus with those gals for tending bar and all, making an officer change necessary, the club, put me in charge of the AyreWolvez, with little policy and authority when it comes to the Knytes. I told all too many, don’t rock the boat, don’t say more than you know. Likewise don’t be a rat, lets not pester the former President and VEE-PEE. But no, then somebody has been dropping bird shit through Ricky, and the club is just turning the screws down tighter. Whether or not those gals we looked at in the start of recruiting on the bar, want in or not, the way to make sure their not involved is to keep barking. Come April, things will be running and these gals can work with us if they want to or not, but then they can meet members as most will be at the Reaper anyway.

In any case will keep on, keeping on, but I may not be writing as much over the next week. But I’ll still be online.

Next entry in the PM, the website.

L8R Aviators and Rebels,


Quote of the Day:
Confidence and enthusiasm are the greatest sales producers in any kind of economy.
--O. B. Smith
Galatians 6:2“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

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