It’s hump day, the day after a long night that while I slept okay had many visions fly through my brain.
The long ago line in a auto-bio movie of Annette Funicello , went that a dream is a wish your heart makes. If that’s true, what are nightmares? And why do we call em Mares? What about nightmules, or nightcows? Where do these terms come from? Forget looking them up on Google. used to be you could find much on the web through a Google search, but any engine, Yahoo, Bing or Google, don’t expect to find much, unless it’s a popular concept, and one that is ad generated. if both aren’t, the search results will be limited, if anything of use.
Even those questions your two year old used to ask you on those walks in the field. Like , “Daddy why is the sky blue?” or , “ why do birds do that?” etc. Try looking for that, it ain’t there.
Or looking up such ideas of, can house flys hear? Can birds hear? No results or little. Guess there’s no Tax paying dollars being spent there to research this. But ya’ll want to know , right?
Why this interest in house fly’s? If you live in my area , you have noticed, I think, that there seems to be more flys out this year than any time in my recent recollection. You open up your truck and there’s a Quadzillion of em living in your truck. Over a few miles with the rear window open and front window open they leave, but still many flys.
So since they have moved in the house, thought, instead of battle with them, might as well be kind and all, and just make friends. Okay the little black maggots are germ carriers, and what they eat is not what you and I do, or at least in the same way you and I eat it, but they must have a reason for living, God created em, for a reason.
So when I’m sitting on the commode, watching em, I try to think, what do they see? Is their vision the same as ours with those big eyes? Can they hear? Do their little legs get tired of standing all the time, even at rest? So I Googled, can you make a fly a pet? Of course Google redirects, to a site called ASK.COM, okay just a short bit comes up, the majority of how to snuff em out, not make friends. Then the question I ask is, if the little critters, can communicate with each other? If your nice to a few, do they tell their fellow flys, that your nice and to not bother you? So far no real answers. Why is this important, the next time a fly comes in your house, might not be a natural house fly after all, it could be a military drone, yes , technology is that advanced, if not its getting there. So your sitting in the latrine, and a fly comes in to sit there while you poop, it might be a XO somewhere WATCHING you, take a poop. Sure in any other scenario this would be considered voyeurism, but remember this is the military of the US Government and NSA, and they can do no wrong. Here’s a question though, if the Government is shut down, does that mean such activities are also shut down?
So then , last night I pitched the idea, out as a hint, that I’d have Ash, bring in a pair of used hose , guess what? Yep her hubby needs to come today to clean. Now its not just her, but we are collecting these items from any body who would other wize throw em out. Why? Go look at the ceiling of Outlaws and Angels in Bliss, then ask that question. Now for those who don’t know, Frank, has womens discarded, some by request of Frank, but womens underwear of all kinds, stapled to the ceiling above the bar, from bras to panties . Now the Wolvez not wanting to be that invasive thought, why not just their socks, nylons , etc. The reason for this is somewhat symbolic, but its also in the area of the science of women . See It’s a known fact that women can smell, the scents of other women, in a room. No I’m not talking of freshly sprayed perfume, or a lip stick stain, placed in a strategic spot. The real delivering message, is the slight musk smell of that jewel between her legs. Now shy of having her take of her shorts and rubbing up and down, on you. Hanging panties, nylons etc with those same smells en mass, with (and it does work) having that many pheromones in the air, gives the guys in there a better than 70% chance of going home with someone. Frank was smart here. Thus if it works one place, why not our bar? Granted its somewhat sexual, but hey why do you go to a bar and risk, a DUI? If your not looking to snag a babe or gals looking for some fresh meat. If your not thinking getting maybe laid, ya’ll could stay home.
So that’s why we are collecting the underwear, not because I’m sitting here huffing em.
As you can tell the ultimate examination of the idea of a big biker aviator bar is not dead, just on life support. So far the few that have stepped up to be servers, and bartenders, as well as two that would be managers have not been the aggressive , gnarly attituded gals that would make either bar accommodating or welcoming to those that would patronize our establishments. The last thing I want to hear from some rider or aviator is , damn who does that gal think she is? She’s stuck up, flaunts but will not deliver. No I will not have that. Sure I’m not running a mini brothel, although I might be able to generate more money doing that, but if guys are going to drink, you don’t want them coming in and not having anything to look at, more over some stuck up prick teaser to visit with. I tell my new hires, be honest, but be friendly. If you can’t your not working here.
Any mile, looks like Mr. Over protective and Ashley are coming over, report on results in the late PM later tonight.
L8R Aviators,
Quote of the Day:
Do first what you dread the most.
Deuteronomy 13:4“It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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