Friday, November 1, 2013

Winning Life’s Lottery


There is but one secret to Winning Life’s Lottery. When we as mere mortals are challenged by the arrogance, ignorance and just plain Yankee stupid, there is a way to calm ones mind, and detune the soul. Put the whatever decision or problem in God’s hands. He knows above all things and above all eternity what’s good for you and I.

Recently I was having troubles getting my bills paid due to the Yankee Union Government shutting down in mid October. Here we had sufficient money if we could only get to it. But here came the 20th and with some understanding from cable-One’s business division and billing, they have kept us running. Then last Friday just barely getting money in the bank. sent out the payment. Wouldn’t ya’ll know it, the dang address was a few digits off on the state. So thing got returned , but so I called fixed the problem, and out goes the thing once again. This time done by me.

Okay but I was fretting, mostly cause Son’s ain’t quite over, and two, need the broadband and consistency of Cable-One’s Internet for HazzardAyre Radio. Just wish Chad’s bunch would get things in gear for installing EarthLink, T1 here.

Any mile, if your troubled, its best to not worry, put the difficulty and challenge in God’s hands. Then you’ll win Life’s Lottery, the prize of course is ever lasting contentment and life in a dimension that few if anyone on earth can imagine or comprehend. Oh and yes going to church Sunday.

Yesterday was a great day, went over to discuss finances with Charlie, he had Rick in Boise, needing two pilot cars. So I hoofed it up there. Charlie gave me a bit of responsibility. First Tommy ran off and lost me. So I had to drive like Speedy Gonzalez to catch him, caught him on the up side of Hammett. Got in there, got all put together. Rick kept yapping at me with a radio that I could barely hear him on. My radios are louder than that and reach further. Any mile so I had to stay nearly on the outside line which once I got the knack of it did. I never did that doing an escort before, but hey I was on someone else’s bill, so I did as told.

We finally got home, put everything away, I got home, and wouldn’t ya’ll know it, left my damn cell phone in the pilot truck. So had to wait until early this morning to get it , fetched my funds from Wells Cargo, and all is fine as wine at dinner time.

Diligence, patience, faith and mostly prayer does a world of Good. If you want to fix life's problems and advance in life, if you really want something, don’t go to people that have no faith or at least patience of fellow man, put your faith and Trust in God. He will fix things, if only you let him.

That way you truly can, Win Life’s Lottery.

L8R Aviators,

final stageCARD ART

Quote of the Day:
True friends stay friends.
Ephesians 1:18“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,”

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