Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Stupid Union Part duex

AVI CLUB LOGOA WyldAyre hedder


Its purtty easy to tell that this old wolf is long past the 21 yard stick of the road of life, yet the local Smoke Shop, had to ask year of birth. Excuse? Her computer can’t see me, to verify whose buying. Really? Never have been asked that before, and if it’s a hot honey asking don’t mind telling, but old skanks , guess its job protection or something.

But it just goes to show in this day of technology, if not just plain common sense, I am way over the legal age. Duh.

The amount of stupidity our population given an area is way over the tolerable level. This situation is not just in Twin Falls Idaho although it seems prolific here, but plain stupid is brimming over. There are cures, no more work releases during school hours, make kids especially teens stay in school all damn day. Give mandated IQ tests , at least once a year if not every six months. DO NOT pass a student , if they do not rate a decent grade or can’t understand basic subjects. I know as it is around here, more people would be in school, rather than working as all too many have been brain drained by controlled substances,. I’m not just talking simple weed, although that’s maybe some of it. But from nose candy, to meth our area, seems to be doing more than smoke and blow, its nearly going in intravenously. Seems as though its going in through a tube in the arm with a bag attached,. Even during pregnancy, children are being born, not only premature, which goes for 85% of the population, but well before due date. Their born hypes.

My solution is one that holds hands with our southern culture,. Take every beaner and ship em all back to Mexico. Slam that door shut, to hell with the arrest take em back to go back to good old Mexico, shoot em on sight. If they do come over the border to work, require even basic scholastic skills, especially speaking and reading/writing. If not, deny citizenship. Oh I hear the grumps, but who will work the fields? I have an idea, mandate our teens, doing drugs to go out and pick rock, move pipe, lift bails, and clean a few barn yards,. To mention a few of those things that our immigrant workers do now. Shut off the damn computers, make kids especially teens work. Second, mandate every graduating teen from High School, to go through at least basic training, of some branch of our military. Preferably Marines, or Navy. If they drop out, deny federal college money. This would go a long way towards kicking this stupid thing to the curb.

More Sunday,

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
True friends stay friends.
Isaiah 1:18““Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”

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