Friday, November 15, 2013

If you don’t want to jump in bed at least lets go to dinner.

A WyldAyre hedderWOLF WITH A STORY

Wolfs Den PhooteNotes HedderKNYTECYDE HEADER 2

It’s a Friday, made it a whole week without any major catsasstrophies. I have seen that northern Yankee carpetbagging, swashbuckling, and just plain smug and stupid abides, everywhere not just in Idaho. Something I think to do with the colder climates slowing gray matter going to the inter cranium sphere aka the brain.

In some instances its not the fault, of some. When it comes to technology Idaho is not one of those places someone on a low budget is racing to fly in here to establish a 1 to 1, Internet connection or even a quarter of that on a T1. Many tried, but at the end of 6 months, EarthLink, T1-Shopper, and those working in both have 50,000 less clients, including HazzardAyre KDXB FM. To paraphrase an old TV commercial, its not good to upset the Knytes. One of us gets pissed the rest do follow in loyalty, if nothing else and that vendor looses. Too bad many just don’t see that. Understand that 50,000 member number is not here in Idaho, of which only 1,000 of that is here, but the 50k is nationwide. That means a member, his wife, kids, parents etc also will not be in a big rush to sign up with these firms either for home or business.

I heard from one yesterday about one provider not wanting to do T1 type things in somebody’s home. That keeps coming up. What about a farmer who in a corner of the house has the office of his farming operation. Anyone not thinking production agriculture is not BIG business should look twice. There are millions of SMB (small-medium business’) all over this nation. Everything from auto repair, to Avon cosmetic sales. Are you going to tell me these big providers are turning their backs on these small business’? If so, some of these outfits bottom lines could be enhanced if they opened their eyes. Its like the Christian here in Idaho, who is born into the LDS denomination and is brainwashed to thinking that this is the way, until some kind and gentle person a servant of God, opens this persons heart and shows them there is a God, he does love you and me, and is there to pour love all over you like hot syrup on pancakes on a Tennessee Mountain Saturday morning. These same farm people are who I go after to feed AyreWolf Aviation. I don’t sock these SMB Farmers , I keep costs fair, do a good job and these same farmers hire me back. We are talking acreages of 100,000 or more, some even 30,000 acres. But when they need those fields sprayed , they are on the phone to us. Why? Because we did not belittle them, because Tyson Foods wasn’t on the barn, but more like Pop & Mom’s Dairy.

But Chad , Geoph, and all tried, but I thought that since EarthLink had emailed me with a go ahead, twice, shouldn’t T1-Shopper been aware of this? Seems to me there needs to be a few more people working in these firms that are of the mid 50 to mid 60’s age group.

With it all, two places we were looking at I let slide, that might have been better for HazzardAyre, but guess what I kept it here, since there was little to no communication. My thoughts, and I really don’t expect this although I would in my company, but if I fuggled things up this bad, I’d send me say $1,000.00 or even $700.00 to allow me to hook up with Cable-One or something that I didn’t do waiting on them. Guess the fumbling that goes on in the White House with Obamacare, is not just restricted there. That same fumbling is going on all over the tech world, including T1 providers, and T1 brokering services.

okay then looks like were going to go back to square 1 here, but at least with an Idaho company. Syringa Wireless.

I have had Syringa Wireless’ cell service for four years now first as a pay as you go, then pre pay then contract. I missed paying a few times only because Syringa’s dealer in Rupert and Burley was closed on weekends and holidays, or I couldn’t get to Twin Falls last year from Burley because of winter. But I always made up for it.

Syringa except a few spots in Buhl, has coverage that outdoes even the big boys, that includes Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile/Sprint. I can get and text in Bliss and even out of state in Vernal Utah. Can’t do that with those other carriers. My Internet wifi as it is, is through SpeedConnect that runs on Syringa’s network. outside of a few drop off’s, and bandwidth being shallow and slow, I still get good service. So getting a 1 to 1 connection from Syringa even anything better than the abilities we have now, you bet I’m signing up wit Syringa. Funny, I should have done this back in May rather than dancing with these other outfits that think rural Idaho is not worth throwing some serious cash down to get something hot going.

It’s like I said, even if you don’t want to jump in bed with the Knytes or me as a client, at least lets go to dinner and get to know each other before you go home mad.

Hitting the rack lots to do today.

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
At times the whole world seems to be in conspiracy to importune you with emphatic trifles.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Psalm 119:143“Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands give me delight.”

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