There are business’ that really suck, and ones that despite a 8 year or better decline in economy has not only survived but have excelled.
The situation came full circle today when after nearly 4 or better months, for some odd unknown reason, EarthLink, and an outfit called T1 Shopper said they could get me a T1 line in here, to the mini studio so we could get HazzardAyre and all its parts streaming. I’ve got two vendors, knawing at the bit ready to go, but no T1. Tried Cable-One, but their performance was lackluster at best. The best they could do was 10 megs consistently, which will not work. I need to be hitting a minimum of 20 up to get the job done and at minimum 30 down. Plus the fact one has to pay two months service in advance. It’s a deposit of three months, but that’s a thought of a different time.
Two months ago, I told after a conversation with Megapath our T1 Shopper rep, Chad that MegaPath could not service us. Especially for the money we had to spend. All the while our friends at Syringa Networks could provide 30 GPS or better. At $300.00 a month I was game to stay with getting it done with Syringa. Told Chad that, he said , let him have another try. I did. After today, lost paperwork, emails and gosh how much crap, I’m pursuing Syringa and getting them to doing this.
Sure I’d like to run out, get a full function out of house office too. But the reason we as both a club and company of a club, has been able to stay strong in a dismal economy is to not just jump in. Stick in our toes see if it looks good, and scale as we have income coming in to make it happen. Just like some bars I know. Many start all full tilt. Have customers galore for at least the first six months or so, but then the newness wears off, and because of under capitalization they go under. HazzardAyre in its entirety started in 1976, through microwave link and syndication. There is overnight anywhere from 28,million to 75,million listeners. mostly of the high performance Hazzard County style, gearhead variety. Coupled with the history and love of vintage combat aviation.
The secondary is furthering the education of Yankees who are just plain stupid at birth, to learn of our southern culture and heritage. Ray at has done a fantastic job at this, coupled together with the sterling excellence of the combination of not only an over the air station that would branch off to five stations in the Mountain West but over the wire through a streaming Internet radio station. But to do that requires much more than the stagnant boiler plate consumer based Internet.
Not that SpeedConnect is bad, heck I got back on them and drop offs and the problems I had with Cable-One have become a mere shadow of a bad dream. But SpeedConnect through whatever reason, just does not have the horsepower.
But I have stayed with the T1 Shopper for nearly 6 months, nothing. I’m giving it the requested 1 more day, but I can tell you once I get things rolling with Syringa, T1 Shopper and EarthLink might as well go fishing in a different lake.
So let’s look at those business’s that have survived and prospered even in these lean times. My pal over at A1 Towing, has not only survived but expanded to three locations, added on 10 new trucks gained a 30% or better market share. Our Company Dixie Toewing has gained 12 newer trucks, added on three locations, and commands albeit smaller than that of A1, but smaller rural markets.
Of course the club itself.
Not withstanding the olden days of things Hazzard, County and our motorhead fan club of DOH, still even with the brining to real life, the group, since 2008, the Knytes of Anarchy has went from a mere 2500 in the Mountain West of the Union states, but has grown to just over 50,000 members nationwide. Why because we stayed at it. We did not let even one member fall through the cracks, we said what we could do, and did it. If it was an area of commerce, if we couldn’t due something for a given amount, we were honest and said we couldn’t do it. Although slightly off track here, when a company, ANY COMPANY handles the club well. Those 50,000 members, their families, those member’ own companies are more in tune to doing business with that vendor. If we get poor or slow or no performance with a vendor. The membership will shy away from patronizing or even doing business with that vendor, like EarthLink, or Cable-One or T1-Shopper. That’s a potential 100,000 customer base that’s lost. That’s the kind of business that sucks. Sure finding a firm that can’t do a given project is one thing, that’s a disappointment , but telling someone you can do something and just holding them on the line for 6 months, that’s when I finally hang up.
One of Syringa’s people called me , is coming down from Boise to meet with me, to lay out the project. T1-Shopper best get off the pot.
More L8R on last nights SOA and our club, stay tuned.
L8R Aviators,
Quote of the Day:
Confidence and enthusiasm are the greatest sales producers in any kind of economy.
--O. B. Smith
1 Peter 2:15-16“For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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