Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mental Help. bi-polar treatment but where?

Once upon a time in Hazzard County  I was diagnosed with such. Fortunately through years of counseling, medicine and The United States Marine Corp fixed me. But only to a point. The 👉 point being without medicine and such its very easy for me to fall back into the same patterns that made me violent. Quite frankly over the last few days been thinking of jumping off this 3rd rock from the solar sun.  The eviction. The loss of revenue, not the least of feeling all alone without options.  With that said I have heard that Wyoming has one of the highest suicide rates in the nation.  With that in mind  the question is why?  Not just telemedicine but that human touch. The interaction between a patient and a therapist or counselor.  There just are not enough qualified shrinks to go around.  Wyoming has one if not the highest mineral extraction taxes of any surrounding state. Yet little to no funds being allocated for mental health. Especially Veterans with the hidden scars of war.  No real VA Office or administrator. No military counseling or therapy nothing.  Why? This nation owes a great debt to our Military.  The sacrifices they rather we made to protect this ignorant ungrateful nation can never be totally paid.  However there is something that can be done.  That is the duty of the WolfPack.  Not only a military aircraft aviation enthusiasts organization but an organization made up of men and women who were there. Looking death and destruction right in the eye. Who better than us? One tag the WolfPack plays off of is: Wolvez are not blind sheep following. Wolves leed and conquer.  We are there to pick up the pieces.  And to heal. Sadly our ofadrd fice was taken from us by aev mile headed tyrant  slumlord.  So the search is on for a facility so we can reinstate our office and serve those who serve and have served in defense of this nation. 
Application for a graanevt for this task haas been started. 
If you ever have wanted to donate to a cause this is it.
An account has been set up at US Bank of Evanston Wyoming. 
Consult our website for details. 
Next entry; who will stop the rain pain ? And why does Meta allow a group that is fleecing our own?  
Until Next time America. 

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