414 Spurlock Drive was the first home built station. The antenna was fabricated from an old TV antenna and a copper core that ran around the attack inside our split level house there. We reached from there to just about where the Layton Hills Mall is now located. As far as mid east Layton and to the Layton Shopping Center. Powered by 2,000 watts and on two am frequencies we kicked butt.
We started the station so that our garage band could get some airplay. By the time we moved to West Point aka Hazzard Idaho, our network just kept growing
A modified ISDN phone connection and we became in fact the first serious streaming radio operation.
By a fluke of nature and the FCC KTOW FM 105.7 went on the air formally on May 31st 1984. From our home near Hazzard Idaho.
The only station in the nation on radio for us who tow. Trying to make a buck driving a tow truck.
How feet and toes and nylon hose got in the mix later.
Today we celebrate 🍾 the birthday of KTOW.