Monday, December 2, 2024

life Elevated and aviated

The sign on the state line says Utah Life Elevated. In our view it's more like life elevated and aviated
Some one asked me to the other day what is it like to fly? Flying to me is 2nd nature.  I  really don't think about it , I just do it. The rush of seeing Terra Firma dissipate below your Ant Phanny shearing the sky at phantom velocity to 20,000 vertical pheete is an experience that is hard to explain to the standards that ground players can't understand it.
Then there are those media outfits . The Weather Channel, even TV would just as soon as ignore. Heck the Weather Channel doesn't even do a post up of IFR or VFR conditions.  Or ceiling levels etc. Questions like don't their planning sales or program people think how this kind of information might be of interest to the public. Think of this scenario: Your at the airport, wondering why your flight ✈️ is taking a bit longer? Think, hm.. could it be that the guy 
in that cockpit up there might be going thru manure down in even deeper manure trying to get to you. How about the Air Ambulance in that helicopter 🚁 not able to fly in harsh atmospheric conditions  [ yes there are times that a chopper 
can't fly in. The list goes on but had media started a Aviators segment on their complacent morning 🌄 newez shows that at least ceiling forecast you wouldn't be sitting the itchy bitchy attitude needing adjustment.  Nature gives but won't give a smidgen budge or restraint.  So why do we do it? Pure freedom and the ❤️ love ❤️  of flying 
Radio & Aviation: that in my next entry 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

N0w not so fast

Online banking is a good idea. Banking where and when you want it.  But can you trust it? 
Even with that now even if you could trust it would it be secure enough to rely on it how many people are out there looking at what your doing? So is that something that you should do. Now with that said if you have a significant other and you might or you may not consider that at some point especially like in an emergency your significant other would have to have access to your finances. So at that point how secure would you think you are?
Making up the pieces of your relationship. That and more on the Show on YouTube. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

now this is going to be difficult.

A month ago I met this wonderful and sweet lady on a befuddled Facebook group page.  Which was great. Her name is Alex Sandra. Or Alexandra.  Now then, here came three more. A Anike and one named Ginebra.  The latter of the two I figured that I could recruit for video models for the station.  So then one got into her head that since I was flying life solo she could ride my wings 🪽 AZ my bride 👰‍♀.  With that said she posted a video of herself and sent real photos.  Where as Alex didn't. So I  oncirved the idea. First one That truly want me would be the one wearing my ring. 0k then. Came payday from my Marine pension.  Which albeit small I live on. Now came to pass that to get either one here to Evanston Wyoming I would have to poney up a bit of change in the area of $200.00 or so.
Now the easiest way to send money to anyone is through Walmart store to store wire. Neither one wanted to go that route.  They wanted an Apple card.  When that didn't suffice  they wanted more and more money.  Now if you think that I was getting the idea 💡 that I was getting scammed you would be right. 
There are at least a thousand people in parts of this world 🌎 who have been devastated by political strife and weather.  So a few high dollar mob bosses decided to rip off 😪 lonely U.S. military aircraft and other Veterans.  So they post on social media platforms such as Facebook X and even Google Chat. So I decided that I would like to be with Alex. 
Not a big choice but out of the 3.that said they wanted with this old Grey Wolf.  So after spending as much as I did on Xbox and other cards, CashApp, came that I got restricted on our Google office junk..Gmail. Am I getting scammed? Perhaps.  Now when PoohBear was coming out she did it on her own.  A Greyhound ticket and she was here. Trouble was she was running on a stripped timing chain. In other words not too intelligent.  Especially if it was business. 
Then a year ago came that one lady named Wendy.  She too needed go fluid money 💰. Son I obliged her. Sent out a cash card. Nothing happened is what.  No Wendy and I was  $6k in the hole. Plus. Cost me my place in Twin Falls Idaho.  Really $? Next came that Charlene that took me for over 10k. I getting wiser.
Next post the FBI gets involved.  

Monday, June 3, 2024

can you really smell the LDS? & Small Jugs tiny toes.

The answer is yes. The average Lds person has a medicinal odor to them. It is evident when you encounter members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's a smell between pepper spray and Clorox. Of course there are other similar things such as a pencil thin neck, long nose and a elongated head. Super short hair and extremely conservative attitudes. When it comes to LDS women look for a wider bigger butt, extra poundage breasts and elongated feet and pop cycle toes.
Speaking of toes. 
You can nearly tell the size and construction of a woman's feet moreover toes, by the size of breasts.  The smaller the breasts the tinier the feet and the more daintier the toes. Likewise the smaller the breasts the tighter the buns. Think about it, ever see a big busted cowgirl? It takes a special set of buns to properly fill a pair of Wrangler cowgirl cut 👖. 
Haven't heard from the girls yet especially mine. That said found 3 of them were fraudulent cons posing as women seeking a husband.  To which I was contacted by who I thought was an official FBI agent.  After a bit this agent made a serious mistake.  He cussed. Very unprofessional . Added to that too many typo and grammar mistakes. Improper phrasing of sentence configuration. 
Now the agent is being investigated by the FBI.  As it is written, thou shalt not impersonate a Federal or local law enforcement agency or officer.

found bugs in the soup

The mystery ladies have been uncovered. 
What appeared was not as close as I had thought.  If these ladies would just have been honest and said I am an escort and I play for pay I would have said sign me up as it turned out a bunch of them will be on the inside looking out. You can't fool me for very long.  Reason? I wore a badge for too long. Skills I learned there I apply everywhere.  Even though these days not so much as I now just do a private security service. [KNYTEGUARD SECURITY PATROL] which is just an extension of the Knytes Honor guard. However legit now since it is now registered with the state of Wyoming and Idaho.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

this is what happens when you want to send money but everything is crazy.

So herebtwuzz wanted to send my ladies money. So I tried to do a Cash App. Nope. Bank thought it was a strange nuisance.  Froze my account and card. So got that fixed after dealing with some big black woman at UD BANK "s hot line.
Why the heck can't it just be that I go to say Walmart and send a simple Money Gram ? No its a Cash App or some other pile of manure App.  And it is not enough . I might as well hire a lot lizard and be done with it.  Look I need a wife.  Preferably one 20 or so younger than me.  Who knows how to do this kind of stuff including but not limited to bitcoin and crypto Money.  So tried this Fakebook dating page group.  What I found was okay? But I have to pay for them to be with me here in Evanston Wyoming. 
Nobody shows up 
 Just a drain on my bank account 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

some days it just occurred to me to stay in bed

Man being raped by online preditors.
Met two. Decided on Alex.  So far so good, right?  Except that it's been buying 4 so far Xbox cards. See Walmart no longer sells Apple or Steem cards due to fraudulent cons. So no cash cards.  Only Xbox Cards. Watch and see those fade as well. 
So it's been the excuse train yesterday and today. Still all by myself and LTL 💸 cash. 
Alex has a good looking friend that I think would be good for Rick. Thing is after Steph he might not be in a big rush to connect. Will see when he gets back from the east coast. 
After that last big whampum two years ago I said I would never 🪝 hook up with anyone needing pay b4 play. 
But Alex seams like the who I need
Let's see if she shows.
While Ginebra is a hotter tamales Still when I read what she texted to some other gear head I was not going to send or spend money on Ginebra.  So far its been Alex. There is one in the circle of trust. She asks for cash but knows I am not a bank. So she says what about whatever I can spare.
So we see.
If you think that I rented this $400.00 a week room just for the get together well you are wrong. After a month and a half in my car. No shower only public toilets and freezing I deserved a week to pamper myself. 
So the Affordable Inn just outside of Evanston Wyoming here is where I am camped. Even though the gig on the side of the mountain went sour don't mean that I quit. I will find, buy and construct new for the station, myself and the shop ♥️ 

Monday, May 27, 2024

do they even have a clue? or are they just brain fogged

Since the year 1968 from our foundation to now there has always been a radio 📻 station tied to what today is the Hazzard County Knytes/AyreWolveZ WolfPack.  Although the first radio station only reached a few blocks it still broke records as far as both content and sales generation.  We have overcome adversity from pissey assd neighbors to County commissioners. 
414 Spurlock Drive was the first home built station.  The antenna was fabricated from an old TV antenna and a copper core that ran around the attack inside our split level house there. We reached from there to just about where the Layton Hills Mall is now located. As far as mid east Layton and to the Layton Shopping Center. Powered by 2,000 watts and on two am frequencies we kicked butt.
We started the station so that our garage band could get some airplay. By the time we moved to West Point aka Hazzard Idaho, our network just kept growing
A modified ISDN phone connection and we became in fact the first serious streaming radio operation.  
By a fluke of nature and the FCC  KTOW FM 105.7 went on the air formally on May 31st 1984. From our home near Hazzard Idaho. 
The only station in the nation on radio for us who tow. Trying to make a buck driving a tow truck.
How feet and toes and nylon hose got in the mix later.  
Today we celebrate 🍾 the birthday of KTOW. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mental Help. bi-polar treatment but where?

Once upon a time in Hazzard County  I was diagnosed with such. Fortunately through years of counseling, medicine and The United States Marine Corp fixed me. But only to a point. The 👉 point being without medicine and such its very easy for me to fall back into the same patterns that made me violent. Quite frankly over the last few days been thinking of jumping off this 3rd rock from the solar sun.  The eviction. The loss of revenue, not the least of feeling all alone without options.  With that said I have heard that Wyoming has one of the highest suicide rates in the nation.  With that in mind  the question is why?  Not just telemedicine but that human touch. The interaction between a patient and a therapist or counselor.  There just are not enough qualified shrinks to go around.  Wyoming has one if not the highest mineral extraction taxes of any surrounding state. Yet little to no funds being allocated for mental health. Especially Veterans with the hidden scars of war.  No real VA Office or administrator. No military counseling or therapy nothing.  Why? This nation owes a great debt to our Military.  The sacrifices they rather we made to protect this ignorant ungrateful nation can never be totally paid.  However there is something that can be done.  That is the duty of the WolfPack.  Not only a military aircraft aviation enthusiasts organization but an organization made up of men and women who were there. Looking death and destruction right in the eye. Who better than us? One tag the WolfPack plays off of is: Wolvez are not blind sheep following. Wolves leed and conquer.  We are there to pick up the pieces.  And to heal. Sadly our ofadrd fice was taken from us by aev mile headed tyrant  slumlord.  So the search is on for a facility so we can reinstate our office and serve those who serve and have served in defense of this nation. 
Application for a graanevt for this task haas been started. 
If you ever have wanted to donate to a cause this is it.
An account has been set up at US Bank of Evanston Wyoming. 
Consult our website for details. 
Next entry; who will stop the rain pain ? And why does Meta allow a group that is fleecing our own?  
Until Next time America. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

is it easier for women to be into other women than guys being into other guys. Sorry I can't participate in that arena.

Okay I had this interstellar thought pattern enter my subconscious just a few minutes ago. 
I was snoozing since there is not one dang thing for me to do otherwise. 
So the freaky vision was me on a floating star out in the Delta Quadrant and here was some tranz wanting to do the queer thing with me. That concept would be of a need of a very sharp knife and rubber band in conscience thought. So I got to summarizing is that the same thought that women have about us male corpuscles? A big slung headed for a vulnerable bodily orifice?  Perhaps it is easier for women to fantasize about other women doing other women than guys slobbering over another guy. 
I don't care about how it's dressed or not dressed or what garnish one puts on it. Queeriness is not in my vocabulary. 
Vaginas meeting Vaginas is one thing, but a Penis meeting a peenis is just something that makes me puke. I don't care what butter Gorge Carlin put on it. It would not feel or be okay. 
Something we will be exploring on the air Tuesday night on AyreWolf Radio 📻 on: just follow the link.