Wednesday, November 22, 2023

just beeyoure I'm running for Mayor.

Yup done decided to aim for the big chair. Evanston Wyoming is running bassackwards at warp speed
Tech, intellect, and just plain raw aggressive raw πŸ– meet attitude 😀  is thwart is needed here. Etown is decaying at a fever pitch. Open housing at a reasonable rate iz πŸ‘Œ near impossible.  There are two ways to go at cleaning up.and putting this 15,k population village back on the right rails
One keep the current administration we have now that loves to nurse Salt Lake City's hind nipple. Sorry Evanston, but metro Utah don't give a crap about you. Metro is exactly as Evanston is. A resort town that the M Orono go to party, get laid in secret 😜 as the overcast Bishops look over. Hey it's Wyoming and/or Nevada. Although for the first 50 miles around Utahsmut and greed is not allowed, still that's just poppycockn as many church officers have been caught at the craps tables. 
Evanston needs a no none scents mayor. And run and win if at all possible but do the campaign on what is the United Confederate States party. Let's take back our dignity that the dreaded Northrners took from us. Let's demand retribution for all the atrocities that the Yankee army inflicted on us. That can only happen if one of us that has gre blood running through our veins.  It starts at the 1% of the total stash pile of politics.  Why just carry big stick if yourn  afraid to use it? I say give Ι“oth the Republicans, and Democrationns. A run for their money, more over a serious attitude adjustment. 

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