Wednesday, November 24, 2021

So are you having a big meal Thursday?


sO Are you having the big bird and fixins? Me no. Why? So your thankful for many things, as am I, however, I'd rather save the money, pray and give propper thanks, not to make it a popular display of it. Watching FNC with the big story of Biden running off to some billionaire's home to do what? Eat. Used to be a big meal, a football game, and a bunch hoop dee hoops. These days, at least for me, I couldn't give a rats butt. Me I'll go to McDonalds, snag a McRib, eat and be satisfied, and still go to my office and be productive. After all, nobody is or has invited me to dinner, I'm all by myself, why moap around and be moody? Just keep, keeping on, and do something. It just ain't worth it.

okay, earlier I tried to put up a post on facebook. Got a malfunctioning message. So I cruized down here to my office to rework the page/group of which I wanted to post on. What I'm finding is that FB is being awful picky, about who YOU, invite to like your page/group. Tried to invite Becky to the group, so I could consistently get a point of view on what I say that is of our Savior, as well as objectionable to where I get a independent feedback. Becky does that. The reason, facebook is upset at me, is that I owe them about $400.00 for some ads that did neither me nor the WolfPack any good. I won't pay $5.00 every time someone pokes a like button or says they're following the group or page. 

Any flyte, I'm headed home, to snag a nap, see ya'll tonight on 

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