Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Many come, many go, but this is who steals the show with me.


My ultimate woman. Strictly phantasy but oh so sweet. Caught a clip from her a year or so ago, and been in lush lust ever since. Could I ever meet her? Possibly, if I flew out to NYC and went to Becky's Boutique, outside of that, there is no way. Guess what I may be doing come spring.

Emmy Picasso is her name. From point of introduction to even now she takes my breath away. Not only her tiny pheete and toews, her body ink, her smile, the cats-eyes, all of her. Oh yes, the bubblegum stockings raises my pulse quite a bit. Thing is of course she drops the hammer of and about anyone I have ever seen, but oh yes as the crack smoker says on TV. There's more.  Take sweet Haylee. Her feet are a child, size 2. That's right 2's.

Can you think of anything more sweet?

After all, ever have you ever heard of

anyone getting PG or catching a STD

From a phoote?

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

So are you having a big meal Thursday?


sO Are you having the big bird and fixins? Me no. Why? So your thankful for many things, as am I, however, I'd rather save the money, pray and give propper thanks, not to make it a popular display of it. Watching FNC with the big story of Biden running off to some billionaire's home to do what? Eat. Used to be a big meal, a football game, and a bunch hoop dee hoops. These days, at least for me, I couldn't give a rats butt. Me I'll go to McDonalds, snag a McRib, eat and be satisfied, and still go to my office and be productive. After all, nobody is or has invited me to dinner, I'm all by myself, why moap around and be moody? Just keep, keeping on, and do something. It just ain't worth it.

okay, earlier I tried to put up a post on facebook. Got a malfunctioning message. So I cruized down here to my office to rework the page/group of which I wanted to post on. What I'm finding is that FB is being awful picky, about who YOU, invite to like your page/group. Tried to invite Becky to the group, so I could consistently get a point of view on what I say that is of our Savior, as well as objectionable to where I get a independent feedback. Becky does that. The reason, facebook is upset at me, is that I owe them about $400.00 for some ads that did neither me nor the WolfPack any good. I won't pay $5.00 every time someone pokes a like button or says they're following the group or page. 

Any flyte, I'm headed home, to snag a nap, see ya'll tonight on ayrewolffm.com 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Knyte Shade


Was but like a steer couldn't. Watched Yellowstone, thinking of subjects for a show, and most likely will air that Monday night. I roll into the Wolf Tower on Sundays for one reason, Yellowstone, the TV show. Paramount designed this show for some fast traction, I discovered it on Peacock, back at the Clubhouse, too bad someone at some production company don't reignite Love Child. 

 that'd peel the plaster off the walls, wouldn't it? Okay then. Was shaking a Wolf's eye on my FB page for KnyteWolf, Radio, and all. And saw a posting asking when is there going to be a new episode? The thing is after Lumen/CenturyLink pulled the plug, I discovered a peaceful life. Read a book, kick back, sleep as much as I wanted to, just not care. The question is, where are all the supporters outside of the MC? Where are the helpers, writers, on-air people's and so on? Where are they? Then by the end of October, I snagged Covid. That kicked my butt. 
Here I was in a hospital room, puking my guts out, going through hell, nobody except maybe two people from my LDS Church Ward, even gave a rat's butt. Made me start thinking. However we do have this new facility at least new to us, with a serious 1g internet, and yet still I wait for all those hot legs and sweethearts that were all so ambitious, from last year, to stroll up here, walk upstairs, sit in the chair, remove shoes and say here's the toews have fun. Or for that matter come it with a fully produced program, and say okay now I'm here. Nope, none. So if someone wants things to be airing on the station, and you want it sooner than I'm getting at it, visit the studio. 

So yesterday I had thoughts of going to Church. In fact, came down to the studio to snag my phone to make sure I woke up in time. But then found myself back in the Wolf's Den, reading the last of A.B. Guthrie Junior's These Thousand Hills, the final book that starts with Way West. and Big Johnny calls. We got to talking Club business and it got to Churchy things. He planted a seed, that went to the core. With the question of, What am I doing there, in Church? I can't really tell you. Sure recommitting myself to our Savior through the Sacrament, but what else? The Choir? Okay been there, did that. What else? When I arrived at the Lynwood Ward, of Twin Falls Idaho, I asked, to be made useful. That's all, just make me useful. Let me give a talk, pass Sacrament, heck even clean the pooper, anything. Nope as of yet, haven't been asked to do anything. Except for Choir. At least Mark, my Bishop in Evanston, Wyoming allowed me the chance to be useful, cleaning the building on Saturdays. I was able to serve, not just be a spectator. Look I may be old, but I'm not yet ready to be put out to pasture. 

See ya'll tonight on:

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Please pass the IV please


Finally out of the hospital. Last Thursday, I got the cramps, worse than serious, but near delivering a kid. So by Friday, I said to heck with it. So with advice from Becky, I called the meatwagon, and 15 minutes later was in the ER. After sticking a long stick up my nose, it was determined that I had Covid. Yes, it too hit me. So was admitted to the hospital. The first night was peaceful, the staff was top drawer and I began to release my tension. From there on, it got worse. First got a Tillathehun, CNA was bitching about my SKOAL, that I could have handled. The thing is there was this spear thrower, who had no idea of what he was doing. He could not find a usable vein. Yet the previous night, a sweet nurse named Mallory, found veins but was knowledgeable about getting the IV going. This was a common theme from the word start. But I am out and slowly recovering. It was no fun, my body is still very weak, and not firing on all 8. You'd think, that medical people, working on people would have a lot more knowledge to conditions, before being put into the game. I should be up to par this weekend, that is if I don't go back into the hospital.